home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- -- background: 4755 from stack: in
- -- bmap block id: 3717
- -- flags: 0000
- -- background id: 0
- -- name: page
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on openCard
- updateBookmarks (the number of this card)
- send showBookmarks
- send showFootnotes
- pass openCard
- end openCard
- on showBookmarks
- global bookmark1
- global bookmark2
- get the id of this card
- if it is bookmark1 or it is bookmark2 then
- show background button "mark"
- else
- hide background button "mark"
- end if
- end showBookmarks
- on showFootnotes
- get field "footnote1"
- if it is not "" then
- show field "footnote1"
- else
- hide field "footnote1"
- end if
- get field "footnote2"
- if it is not "" then
- show field "footnote2"
- else
- hide field "footnote2"
- end if
- end showFootnotes
- on arrowKey choice
- put false into dontScroll
- if visible of background button "Done Changes" is true then
- beep
- put true into dontScroll
- end if
- if (the name of this card is the name of card "contents") then
- if visible of card button "Done Changes" is true then
- beep
- put true into dontScroll
- end if
- end if
- if dontScroll is false then
- if choice is "left" then
- visual scroll right
- else
- visual scroll left
- end if
- pass arrowKey
- end if
- end arrowKey
- on updatePageNumbers
- set cursor to watch
- put the number of card "contents" into presentCard
- repeat for the number of cards in this background
- put presentCard into field "page no" of card presentCard
- updateFootnotes presentCard
- add 1 to presentCard
- end repeat
- end updatePageNumbers
- on updateFootnotes presentCard
- global deletedCard
- get line 1 of field "topic" of card presentCard
- put it into field "footnote1" of card presentCard
- if it is not "" then
- get line 1 of field "card id" of card presentCard
- if it is not "" then
- if it is word 3 of deletedCard then
- put "" into line 1 of field "card id" of card presentCard
- else
- get the number of card id it
- put " - p" & it after field "footnote1" of card presentCard
- end if
- end if
- end if
- get line 2 of field "topic" of card presentCard
- put it into field "footnote2" of card presentCard
- if it is not "" then
- get line 2 of field "card id" of card presentCard
- if it is not "" then
- if it is word 3 of deletedCard then
- put "" into line 2 of field "card id" of card presentCard
- else
- get the number of card id it
- put " - p" & it after field "footnote2" of card presentCard
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end updateFootnotes
- on updateBookmarks presentCard
- global deletedCard
- global bookmark1
- global bookmark2
- if bookmark1 is not 0 then
- if bookmark1 is deletedCard then
- put 0 into bookmark1
- hide background button "bookmark1"
- hide field "bookmark1"
- put "" into field "bookmark1" of card presentCard
- else
- get number of bookmark1
- put "p" & it into field "bookmark1" of card presentCard
- end if
- else
- put "" into field "bookmark1" of card presentCard
- end if
- if bookmark2 is not 0 then
- if bookmark2 is deletedCard then
- put 0 into bookmark2
- hide background button "bookmark2"
- hide field "bookmark2"
- put "" into field "bookmark2" of card presentCard
- else
- get number of bookmark2
- put "p" & it into field "bookmark2" of card presentCard
- end if
- else
- put "" into field "bookmark2" of card presentCard
- end if
- end updateBookmarks
- on idle
- global cardJustPasted
- global cardJustDeleted
- global deletedCard
- global stackJustPrinted
- if stackJustPrinted then
- put false into stackJustPrinted
- send showFootnotes
- pop card
- else
- if cardJustDeleted then
- put false into cardJustDeleted
- updateBookmarks (the number of this card)
- send showBookmarks
- send showFootnotes
- else
- if cardJustPasted then
- put false into cardJustPasted
- set lockScreen to true
- push card
- go card "contents"
- get the id of this background
- pop card
- set lockScreen to false
- if it is not the id of this background then
- -- i.e. this is not a true "page" card
- answer "Background has changed; delete this card!" with "OK"
- else
- if the id of this card is deletedCard then
- put "" into deletedCard
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- end if
- pass idle
- end idle
- on openBackground
- global xrefdepth
- if xrefdepth is 0 then
- hide background button "return"
- end if
- end openBackground
- -- part 1 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=424 top=314 right=337 bottom=453
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1014 / 1014
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name:
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseDown
- global alreadyPaged
- put false into alreadyPaged
- pass mouseDown
- end mouseDown
- on mouseStillDown
- global alreadyPaged
- wait 10
- visual effect scroll right
- put true into alreadyPaged
- go to previous card
- end mouseStillDown
- on mouseUp
- global alreadyPaged
- if alreadyPaged is false then
- visual effect scroll right
- go to previous card
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 2 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=480 top=314 right=337 bottom=508
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1013 / 1013
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name:
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseDown
- global alreadyPaged
- put false into alreadyPaged
- pass mouseDown
- end mouseDown
- on mouseStillDown
- global alreadyPaged
- wait 10
- visual effect scroll left
- put true into alreadyPaged
- go to next card
- end mouseStillDown
- on mouseUp
- global alreadyPaged
- if alreadyPaged is false then
- visual effect scroll left
- go to next card
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 3 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=400 top=316 right=339 bottom=427
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 1012 / 1012
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: return
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global xrefdepth
- subtract 1 from xrefdepth
- if xrefdepth = 0 then
- hide background button "return"
- end if
- visual effect iris close
- pop card
- end mouseUp
- -- part 4 (field)
- -- low flags: 01
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=14 top=60 right=300 bottom=494
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 2
- -- text size: 10
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 13
- -- part name: text
- -- part 6 (field)
- -- low flags: 01
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=14 top=29 right=57 bottom=348
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 2
- -- text size: 18
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 24
- -- part name: heading
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on closeField
- if cardInContents() then
- put the userLevel into currentLevel
- set the userLevel to 5
- set lockScreen to true
- doMenu "New Field"
- put the number of card fields into numFields
- choose browse tool
- set the style of card field numFields to shadow
- put "Updating Table of Contents." & numToChar(13) & "Please wait..." into card field numFields
- set lockScreen to false
- send updateContents to card "contents"
- set lockScreen to true
- choose field tool
- click at the loc of card field numFields
- doMenu "Clear Field"
- choose browse tool
- set lockScreen to false
- set the userLevel to currentLevel
- end if
- pass closeField
- end closeField
- function cardInContents
- set the cursor to watch
- get word 3 of the id of this card
- put false into inContents
- repeat with x = 1 to the number of lines in card field "content list" of card "contents"
- if (line x of card field "content list" of card "contents") is it then
- put true into inContents
- end if
- end repeat
- return inContents
- end cardInContents
- -- part 7 (field)
- -- low flags: 01
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=461 top=33 right=51 bottom=494
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 65535
- -- font id: 2
- -- text size: 10
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 13
- -- part name: page no
- -- part 8 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=8 top=311 right=334 bottom=39
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 13081 / 13081
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Contents
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- visual iris close
- go card "contents"
- end mouseUp
- -- part 9 (button)
- -- low flags: 00
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=453 top=313 right=337 bottom=476
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: book
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- -- Actually, to be really consistent we should update the bookmarks
- -- of ALL pages here, so that when you Print Report they are all
- -- correct. However, this would slow things down for the reader.
- global bookmark1
- global bookmark2
- get the id of this card
- if bookmark1 = 0 then
- put it into bookmark1
- updateBookmarks (the number of this card)
- show background button "bookmark1"
- show field "bookmark1"
- send showBookmarks
- else
- if bookmark2 = 0 then
- put it into bookmark2
- updateBookmarks (the number of this card)
- show background button "bookmark2"
- show field "bookmark2"
- send showBookmarks
- else
- answer "Out of bookmarks!" with "OK"
- end if
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 11 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=451 top=313 right=337 bottom=476
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 18951 / 18951
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: mark
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global bookmark1
- global bookmark2
- get the id of this card
- if it is bookmark1 then
- put 0 into bookmark1
- hide background button "bookmark1"
- hide field "bookmark1"
- end if
- if it is bookmark2 then
- put 0 into bookmark2
- hide background button "bookmark2"
- hide field "bookmark2"
- end if
- updateBookmarks (the number of this card)
- send showBookmarks
- end mouseUp
- -- part 17 (field)
- -- low flags: 81
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=366 top=326 right=340 bottom=399
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 4
- -- text size: 9
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 12
- -- part name: bookmark1
- -- part 18 (field)
- -- low flags: 81
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=331 top=326 right=340 bottom=364
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 4
- -- text size: 9
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 12
- -- part name: bookmark2
- -- part 13 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=336 top=300 right=339 bottom=362
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 6179 / 6179
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: bookmark2
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global bookmark1
- global bookmark2
- if the id of this card is not bookmark2 then
- if (the name of this card is not the name of card "contents") and (the id of this card is not bookmark1) then
- global xrefdepth
- add 1 to xrefdepth
- push card
- show background button "return"
- end if
- visual effect iris open
- go bookmark2
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 12 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=366 top=300 right=339 bottom=392
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 6179 / 6179
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: bookmark1
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global bookmark1
- global bookmark2
- if the id of this card is not bookmark1 then
- if (the name of this card is not the name of card "contents") and (the id of this card is not bookmark2) then
- global xrefdepth
- add 1 to xrefdepth
- push card
- show background button "return"
- end if
- visual effect iris open
- go bookmark1
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 20 (field)
- -- low flags: 81
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=54 top=309 right=324 bottom=321
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 2
- -- text size: 10
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 13
- -- part name: footnote1
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- get line 1 of field "card id"
- if it is not "" then
- global xrefdepth
- add 1 to xrefdepth
- push card
- show background button "return"
- visual iris open
- get last word of me
- put "" into first char of it
- go card it
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 23 (field)
- -- low flags: 81
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=54 top=325 right=340 bottom=321
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 2
- -- text size: 10
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 13
- -- part name: footnote2
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- get line 2 of field "card id"
- if it is not "" then
- global xrefdepth
- add 1 to xrefdepth
- push card
- show background button "return"
- visual iris open
- get last word of me
- put "" into first char of it
- go card it
- end if
- end mouseUp
- -- part 30 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0000
- -- rect: left=1 top=21 right=340 bottom=510
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: beep
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- beep
- end mouseUp
- -- part 26 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: A003
- -- rect: left=364 top=26 right=43 bottom=467
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Done Changes
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- hide background button "beep"
- hide background button "Topic"
- hide background button "Card ID (optional)"
- hide field "topic"
- hide field "card id"
- hide background button "Done Changes"
- show background button "Add Footnote"
- updateFootnotes (the number of this card)
- send showFootnotes
- end mouseUp
- -- part 25 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: A003
- -- rect: left=364 top=26 right=43 bottom=466
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Add Footnote
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- show background button "beep"
- show background button "Topic"
- show background button "Card ID (optional)"
- show field "topic"
- show field "card id"
- hide background button "Add Footnote"
- show background button "Done Changes"
- end mouseUp
- -- part 28 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 8002
- -- rect: left=51 top=111 right=133 bottom=318
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Topic
- -- part 31 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 8002
- -- rect: left=317 top=111 right=133 bottom=448
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Card ID (optional)
- -- part 27 (field)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=51 top=132 right=162 bottom=318
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 4
- -- text size: 9
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 12
- -- part name: topic
- -- part 29 (field)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: 0002
- -- rect: left=317 top=132 right=162 bottom=448
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 0
- -- font id: 4
- -- text size: 9
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 12
- -- part name: card id
- -- part 33 (button)
- -- low flags: 80
- -- high flags: A003
- -- rect: left=356 top=44 right=61 bottom=475
- -- title width / last selected line: 0
- -- icon id / first selected line: 0 / 0
- -- text alignment: 1
- -- font id: 0
- -- text size: 12
- -- style flags: 0
- -- line height: 16
- -- part name: Update Page Nos
- ----- HyperTalk script -----
- on mouseUp
- global deletedCard
- hide background button "Update Page Nos"
- put the userLevel into currentLevel
- set the userLevel to 5
- set lockScreen to true
- doMenu "New Field"
- put the number of card fields into numFields
- choose browse tool
- set the style of card field numFields to shadow
- put "Updating page numbers." & numToChar(13) & "Please wait..." into card field numFields
- set lockScreen to false
- send updatePageNumbers
- send showFootnotes
- updateBookmarks (the number of this card)
- -- Actually, to be really consistent we should update ALL the
- -- bookmarks here, so that when you Print Report they are all
- -- correct. However, bookmarks are not that important.
- send showBookmarks
- send updateContents to card "contents"
- set lockScreen to true
- choose field tool
- click at the loc of card field numFields
- doMenu "Clear Field"
- choose browse tool
- set lockScreen to false
- set the userLevel to currentLevel
- put "" into deletedCard
- beep
- end mouseUp